
Liposuction, plastic surgery...

Opravy kosmetických operací


Dear patients & prospective clients,
Complications can arise in exceptional circumstances, after some treatments. And despite efforts by very reputable doctors, not all complications are preventable. In this respect, therefore, plastic surgery is not an exception to other human activities.

It is clear & logical that the development of complications after surgery is not something that anyone wants to see made manifest; not the surgeon, and not the patient…and especially in the case of an elective, aesthetic procedure. Yet, unfortunately, we have seen mainly small complications in unusual cases.

What happens then at the time when complications arise after aesthetic surgery? How does the clinic’s management solve complications arising as a result of procedures performed at CLEOPATRA CLINIC, where there’s a case of client dissatisfaction?

To address the complications in the opinion of doctors from CLEOPATRA CLINIC should apply the following guiding principles:

  1. First The main principle of complications from the medical facility are as follows:
    • If in doubt about whether the nature of the claimed complication is legitimate, or if in doubt about the extent of the actual complication, professionally – it is appropriate to lean toward, and defer-to, the views of patient, in the first instance, before an internal reviews of systems and procedures is carried-out.
    • In the case of the aforementioned situation, it is always preferable arrive at a mutually agreeable solution. If there is a weighting of evidence favourable to one or the other side, it needs to be determined which of the parties shall bear the financial costs associated with resolving alleged complications.
    • It may be, that, in some cases where the client’s outcome is not what he/she wished it to be, despite the caveats and professional advice given by the clinic before the operation was performed, the clinic may be in a position to offer to perform a free-of-charge, or substantially lower-cost corrective operation, but only in a case where the clinic’s staff see that a better outcome can be attained by this new corrective procedure. The Clinic reserves the right to decline to offer a second attempt corrective procedure, where, in the professional opinion of the clinic’s principals, an improved, ameliorated second outcome won’t be attainable.
    • In the case of a properly informed-beforehand patient, the clinic reserves the right to hold steadfast in its assertion that it, and the clinic’s personnel, performed with integrity & full duty-of-care, inside of the parameters of safety, and the situation-specific challenge that such patient’s elective request for surgery posed, relative to the condition of that patient, before surgery.
    • The Clinic will always behave with integrity, as it seeks to ascertain what the nature of the problem is, and approximately how long a time it will take to resolve the situation, and what resources of the clinic need to be mobilised to solve the issue. The Clinic will weigh its decisions based on the objectively-viewed severity of the situation, and whether the problem is a transient one, or if the situation will result in more permanent consequences for the patient making the complaint.
    • The Clinic may be amenable to entering into an arbitration process with an objective, independent third party, who will be able to weigh up the facts, and adjudicate as to who is most at fault, in such a client-complaint situation.
  2. Second: The main duty of care on the part of the patient making the complaint regarding the clinic’ practices, is as follows:
    • Said patient must absolutely urgently contact the treating physician who performed the procedure. The alleged complications should be explained to the surgeon or doctor involved, if the doctor at the relevant department is available, and speak to just that doctor, in the first instance.
    • A complaining patient must not delay, because time may be of the essence in correcting the complaint. The doctor involved with attempt to engage in an active & friendly manner, to resolve the situation. It is much easier to solve a timely problem in a friendly atmosphere, rather than a delayed complaint which might have the potential to become unnecessarily adversarial.
    • The main objective of this timely approach is to collaborate together, patient & clinic working together, to solve the complication together. Reproaches & irate accusations in this period will not solve anything.
    • It is important that a patient must realise that, in a great many cases, the patient must follow the instructions & recommendations related to treatment recuperative-challenges…which will have been explained to him or her before the operation, at the initial consultation.
    • Recourse to other of the Clinic’s departments with requests to deal with the complications should only be contemplated by the patient, if the original main-contact surgeon/doctor is not available to speak with immediately.

Again, it must be reiterated that CLEOPATRA CLINIC its collective medical knowledge & surgical services & expertise will make a full effort to remedy such possible problems, without additional cost to the patient OR at least at a very reduced cost.

Similarly, if the nature of the complaint is such that it only manifested itself much later, when already there is a process of healing in progress & becoming settled, and the results are not as the patient had hoped for, and the doctor had hoped for, then, provided that there’s scope for corrective surgery, it is possible, in such late-manifesting circumstances, Cleopatra Clinic can offer its surgical services for free, or at a very reduced cost.

There can occur, however, such complications as cannot be ascribed to the surgery per se, nor the skill deployed by the surgeon, and these complications can arise inside the normally-progressing recuperation period. The patient may start to suffer from unforeseen allergies, types of problems of healing of scars, intolerance to dressings, materials, etc.

In these cases, it will have to be ascertained if the blame is entirely the patient’s (may include, as well, damage due to non-compliance with the doctor's instructions to the patient, ignoring the mandatory post-operative visits , keloid scars, etc.) .

But even in this case, Cleopatra Clinic prides itself on it’s empathetic & sympathetic approach: the remedy in such a patient-generated situation may be mostly provided by our clinic’s services. We can solve such a situation, with renewed advice to the client/patient, for free, if possible, or for a minimal additional price. In such a scenario, patient then by mutual agreement only covers necessary additional costs - anaesthesia , medical supplies consumed or hospital stay.

This procedure is helpful due to the fact that all professional clinics are basically satisfied with their work, and their results, at the moment when it becomes clear that the patient is satisfied. Patient satisfaction was, is & always will be the main aim & purpose of CLEOPATRA CLINIC and its whole team, who take pride in their professional work.

The management of complications, resolving any dissatisfaction, is an aspect of our work which, when such issue arise rarely, we do everything possible to make the patient/client happy without insisting on your paying further financial costs, where possible: even nominal further sums, for corrective treatments, the clinic will endeavour to keep to a minimum.

Regardless of which side is the cause of complications, Cleopatra Clinic is well aware of the fact that the best advertisement for our medical prowess, aptitude, skill & dedication, are good results, and, especially, satisfied patients.


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