Tyršova 9
702 00 Ostrava
702 00 Ostrava
For the majority of women, the breast, from time immemorial, is the symbol of femininity & attractiveness.
Women with large, or out-of-proportion breasts can undergo reduction, and, very often, ‘lift’ re-modelling.
The result is, often, beautiful & in-proportion breasts.
Cleopatra Clinic uses luxury breast implant brand MENTOR®. These implants are the top, choice product of the world's most mature & leading nation for plastic surgery, the USA. Globally, it is one of the finest implant-brands, with decades- long tradition. MENTOR® breast implants is one of the few institutions to have received approval by the US FDA (Food & Drug Administration) because they consistently meet & exceed the highest standards of quality & safety that the FDA requires.